Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Most Powerful Business Model - Social Entrepreneurship

The world today is plagued by probably more issues than ever before in history. They face challenges like never before & the "to do" list is large & growing. Social entrepreneurship is a comparatively new phenomenon that operates in areas where traditional nonprofit & government �based support structures have not been successful.

Social Entrepreneurship is quickly becoming the most powerful business model of the 21st century. It is an fascinating process by which passionate & ambitious individuals build or transform a business to provide innovative solutions to social issues such as poverty, malnutrition, illiteracy, neat air & water, & health care.

The recognition of Simon McKeon as 2011 Australian of the year has brought the term "Social Entrepreneur" in the national conversation. From the presidential campaign of Barack Obama to grassroots organisations, the idea of social entrepreneurship has received lots of attention in recent times. It's been touted by plenty of as the means of bringing actual & lasting alter to a broken & hurting world. Although Social Entrepreneur & Social Entrepreneurship are comparatively new terms, examples are found throughout history. They have always existed but historicallyin the past they were called visionaries, humanitarians, missionaries, philanthropist, reformers, saints or basically great leaders. Attention was paid to their bravery, compassion & great vision but never to the practical aspects of their accomplishments. Kids learn that Florence Nightingale cared for wounded soldiers but not that he built the first professional school for nurses & revolutionised the hospital process.

Social Entrepreneurs are ordinary individuals who find innovative solutions to society's social issues. They use traditional entrepreneurial models to bring social or community benefits. Social Entrepreneurs often have a personal experience of the necessity they are addressing & as such they are uniquely positioned to address a quantity of our most pressing social challenges. They are passionate, driven & committed.

as entrepreneurs alter the face of business, social entrepreneurs act as the alter agents for society, seizing opportunities others miss & improving systems, inventing new approaches, & generating solutions to alter society for the better. While a business entrepreneur might generate entirely new industries, a social entrepreneur comes up with new solutions to social issues & then implements them.

But while they may read from a different bottom line, social & business entrepreneurs have a lot in common. They build something out of nothing. They are ambitious to accomplish. They marshal resources - sometimes from the unlikeliest places - to meet their needs. They are constantly creative. & they are not afraid to make mistakes.

Social responsibility+Entrepreneurial strategies = Large Alter.

In fact, this new initiative has the world's leading policyowner makers predicting that it won't only become the most purposeful, profitable platform of our time, but & a revolutionary alter in thinking & planning for sustainable global improvement.

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