Friday, February 11, 2011

The Millionaire Mind: Hard Work

If you are not willing to commit to working 15 hour days, working weekends, & sacrificing personal time to become rich, there is no require to proceed in trying to become a Millionaire. You do not have what it takes to become rich, & do not have a Millionaire Mind. The self made Millionaire is not rich because of luck. Plenty of hours of hard work go in to becoming a self made Millionaire. For the past 30 years, I have been up at five:00 AM & work a maximum of 15 hours per day. I work every Saturday, & permit Sunday for my relatives.

Money does not sleep. Clients ought to respect your personal time, however they are more comfortable knowing that they can contact you regarding important issues at any time. In case you are out of town along with your relatives, tell your clients that you will contact them at specific times every day or every other day. Clients become nervous & concerned in the event that they do not listen to from you for several days, although they are aware that you are along with your relatives on a planned trip. They feel as though progress stops when you are out of contact, & they become concerned about their investment in you. The few minutes that you sacrifice to make a speedy phone call to a client, will go a long way in allowing you to enjoy your personal time with relatives, & permit for an simple transition back to work.

Love what you do. key to putting in a lot time is to love your work. Getting up early & working long hours is simple in case you enjoy what you are doing. I truly think, as they say, in case you love your job you will seldom work a day in your life. A successful self made Millionaire can finding a comfortable balance between work & play.

Work hard & play hard. Work & relatives life can balance. It is not that difficult to work long hours & have an enjoyable relatives life & personal life. Being self employed lets you break away for lunch along with your spouse, golf or dinner with friends, & activities with children. I have seldom missed my children practice or games as they were growing up.

The path to great wealth & success begins with hard work. There's no shortcuts.

Stay off the couch. It is a rare occasion to see a successful rich person sitting down. Most people argue that they don't have time to work so plenty of hours, however they will spend five - five hours sitting on a couch watching tv or on facebook. You will find that in case you leave they tv off & stay off the couch, it will become harder for you to sit down, your mind will become more active & you will be healthier.

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