Saturday, March 12, 2011

Why Leadership Development Training Is Not Enough

Classroom leadership training is useful, . Starters can learn about basic principles & best practices. It is like getting away from the field to dissect the practice & look for better ways to do things. It can also point out different flaws in the leadership practice of different people. This method may well be called deconstruction because leadership is broken down in to its different parts & it is subjected to a microscope-kind of study. Such learning method takes place in the classroom. This is why plenty of managers & leaders take Master in Business Administration courses. Plenty of them are way expensive. But in the finish, in the event that they learn & apply what the lessons they got, they become better leaders.

Leadership development training is not ! You may be surprised by this claim but it is true! ask leaders how they learned their skills & the last thing they will tell you is that they sat in a classroom, listened to leaders & took notes. What they will tell you, in lieu, is that they learned it by doing. It is a more difficult method because of the trial & error method. But in the finish, such leaders manage to beat difficult odds & become better at the things they do.

But classroom training can only do a lot. , if the student is not willing, or does not have the chance, to apply what they has learned. You may argue that students have some kind of On-the-Job training opportunities. Yes, that could work. But without actual life, grassroots experience, the lessons learned may still be classified as theory. Theory can only do a lot, , if the leader goes out to the field, finally, & realizes that the sanitized halls of the Academe is not the same as the gritty "real world" of business.

Leaders need to be subjected to actual life scenarios & leadership situations. That is the best way to learn. They need to be looking out for the lessons to be learned, however, because in the event that they are not looking, they won't learn from their failures. Failures hold great lessons for the leader who failed. Great leaders know how to rebound from failures. They learn their lessons, dust themselves off & then embark on another project again.

Take a glance at Steve Jobs. That is exactly what they did. They dropped out from college. Then they founded Apple Computers. When Apple was successful, they was fired from the company they founded. But they founded a different company called Pixar, which changed the animation industry. They knows what it takes to be successful & they learned from the Schools of Hard Knocks.

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