How do you define success in the business world? Is it by the amount of funds that you make? In the event you said yes, then you got it correct! This is true at least according to numerous others who view their business as their sacred funds cow. But to entrepreneurs, this is not the true gauge. Although there is no true universal iron clad rule in defining success, defining it in terms of the financial rewards gained solely will show that you are not an entrepreneur, but merely a businessman. So what is the entrepreneur's definition of success?
Funds will always be a perennial partner with success in business, & that is not a bad thing. But it is only a natural result of success of making an enterprise grow. For the true entrepreneur, funds does not feed the hunger of his spirit for success & is not very fulfilling. For those that set a definite financial objective as their life's mission, then they will never feel truly successful.
The quest for riches never stops. In the event you require to have funds, then you will constantly crave for more & never get the sense of fulfillment, which is the final objective. If funds is the only barometer for success, then plenty of famous people in our history have been failures because they left this planet penniless, a quantity of which are Oscar Wilde, Joe Louis, Ed Wood, & Mozart.
The entrepreneur's definition of success is highly personal, with different means of measuring the level of achievement. Each entrepreneur bases his version of success on what makes him feel fulfilled; it can be on the impact, influence, power, benefits to society, & anything else that makes them content with what they have worked hard for. & to plenty of entrepreneurs, it is not getting to their goals that define their success, but the road taken to it & the whole experience of travelling that road.
So from the entrepreneur's definition point of view, it is all about personal satisfaction, no matter how egocentric it may sound. & for a successful entrepreneur, they deserves to be a bit egocentric when it comes to defining his success. They assumes the risk; they worked hard to reach where they is now, & they has sacrificed a lot about himself for his craft. But when people perceive your life's work as a success because you have raised their quality of living, then you are a success one times over.
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