Money makes the world go round. Now there is a line from a song that is, and always has been the truth! In this time of extreme hardship, the stimulating of the economy is the only way to save our planet from meltdown. The issue of work is that the decision makers tend to be politicians, and usually speaking, they have never been entrepreneurs. (But they have all spoken to entrepreneurs that morning, and understand the issues well!)
Manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers and individuals can all play their part in making this happen, lets explore how. Individuals have wishes and needs, and have things they own that they no longer need or need. Here, the individual needs to think about selling the items that they no longer have makes use of for, and use the money to buy what they now desire. Retailers need to make the purchasing process simple for buyers; they also need to work with other retailers to bring down their costs, like the giant supermarkets do. There's lots of examples of this working, and there's lots of examples of this failing.
Government departments are the living proof of this type of sheer stupidity. Why does school must worry about which photocopier to buy, when the same (don't know which personally, but someone will know), would surely do. school purchasing department could then order say 1000, get an excellent discount, and have them delivered to all the other schools. No, it does not work this way, and each school wastes hours of time deciding which is best for them, but they don't know - do they? How lots of examples are you able to think of?
Wholesalers are the time saver and money saver for the small business, as they buy in bulk, and pass a quantity of that bulk purchasing savings on to the businesses. I have query here. Are the wholesalers well organised, and able to get the giant discounts that the supermarkets can. If the answer is no, then they need to think about their strategy, and meet up with others in their sector to get better deals for all. Manufacturers are screwed down by the giant buyers, but what do they then do to the small buyer. Sadly and all often, they make their money from the small man, and accomplish contribution from the giant buyer. Is this a great way of doing business? They as individual go crazy when a phone provider charges us rate, and gives a discount to someone to join them as a new customer. This is the same thing don't you think?
The world is always looking for a bargain (look at eBay in case you need any type of proof. Imagine how much turnover the world could generate if each relatives were to sell and buy 6 items this year. In summary, if all of us work together, and all of us get purchasing and selling, then the world economy will burst back in to action. Jobs and wealth will then be created, and let's hope that the betting bankers are prevented from doing their worst again.
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