Now Mondays come and go and months pass on by and yet you seldom began your magnificent idea that would change your life forever. Why didn't you follow through? What stopped you? Are you much in a comfort zone that you think "ahh, it is hard to start so why bother?"
You're sitting there when all of a sudden you receive a brainstorm of an idea. You get excited about it and you envision all this greatness that would happen in the event you had it. Then you get distracted and you lose the rhythm, you say to yourself "I'll start this great idea on Monday".
Everyone has a magnificent idea but the difference between the who succeeds and the that doesn't is - action. The who succeeds sees his vision gets excited about it and envisions what it would be like having it and then finally he takes action on it to accomplish it.
Success, as they say, is only a step away. To succeed you require to take action steps to accomplish that which you desire. Unless you take action, it will always only be a dream.
So, you are thinking to yourself "where do I start?" Well, choose. Choose that this is what you require and all the greatness it is possible for you to to accomplish with receiving it. And in the event you have no idea what you require to do or do not have the skills to do it, learn it. Learn the mindset that you require. Learn the way you require to package it and present it properly to others. Learn everything that you require to succeed.
People do not become great at anything or successful by doing something one times, you learn it continuously and repeat it over and over again until you get the finish result that you are after.
A doctor doesn't read medical book, a lawyer doesn't read law book, an athlete doesn't run one times as well as a successful entrepreneur doesn't have an idea and sit on his hands. You have an inspired thought, learn and put in to action. Because each and every step that you take brings you closer and closer to your desired result and to the freedom that you are seeking.
Is today that Monday? Or will you look back on your life and think "I ought to have completed that".
Go ahead and take the first step, you will thank yourself for it later.
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