Even the Webster's dictionary has significantly changed the definition of success over the years. In 1806, the term success was defined as "...being generous, prosperous, healthy, and kind." Today, the definition reads " the attainment of wealth, fame and rank." Those are different ideas, but are reflective of how American society has developed, for better or for worse.
One aim that most everybody shares is to be successful. But what does that even mean? In some cultures, success has a positive meaning. They have established duties for most members of society and as long as an individual meets those duties, they is thought about successful. In the US, however, success has lots of different meanings, and those meanings have changed significantly over the years.
The most fascinating modify in the definition of success is present in the first words. 200 years ago, the definition had to do with who and how a person was..."being" prosperous, generous, and kind. Now, the focus is on what you have..."the attainment of". The distinction is important, and probably an indication of how far they have strayed from focusing on our own values over material possessions.
The state of sizable business in the US displays this shift in a great lots of of its dealings. The ethically corroded business surroundings that permit MLMs, scammers, and even recommending outsourcing for personal profit is the same that blasts us with propaganda about incurring debt to buy increasingly stuff. It is the same that played the starring role in the current economic catastrophe, and it is the same that is relegating millions of Americans to a life of paycheck to paycheck survival. According to media portrayals and promotion messages, success no longer has anything to do with who you are, but rests solely on what you have.
Though the Webster's definition reflects society in general, for individuals success can still have lots of different meanings. For some, banking sizable sums of money is the sign of success. For others, being able to what they need, when they need, is the aim. Still others bank their success on how they affect other people and the world at sizable. And, of work, there's lots of who will stay in the cycle of debt because their definition of success is based on what they have right now.
benefit of the current economic mess is that increasingly Americans are taking a long, hard look at their lives and trying to define what is important. The key is to define success for yourself and make the changes necessary to live that life. Don't buy in to the hype...what you need out of life is far more important than what sizable business and banks tell you to need. And, you will find far more satisfaction in taking control of every area of your own life.
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