Fear of being successful is experienced, to a point, by someone staring the "American Dream" square in the eye. This is not covered in business school, from night classes to the hallowed "Ivy league" halls of academia. In case you give it some thought, it actually does make sense. With success comes responsibility. The higher you climb, the further you can fall. If however, you can see it coming and recognize it for what it truly is, then you can get ready.
To build a business from scratch takes limitless hours of hard work, dedication and pure unbridled passion. It also requires being fearless. I witnessed lots of new business owners suffer from non-stop cases of the flu, perpetual equipment failure, and down right laziness. Bad Luck? I don't think so. It is a chronic case of fear. This may sound crazy, but it is more common than might think.
Keep in mind that in business, dwelling in your comfort zone is a dangerous place. Experiencing a definite amount of stress is healthy. You must fight complacency and tedium. Stay sharp and alert. Success brings with it higher revenue along with a higher tax bracket. It also means more business, and the necessity for workers which means payroll, work-comp, and potentially more issues.
In business, as in life maintaining balance is crucial. I have learned to look at issues caused by the day-to-day walking of a company, as fascinating challenges. In time, you'll actually look forward to facing and solving these issues.
Don't stand at the bottom of the mountain and stress about what-the-heck you are going to do when you ascend through the clouds. You'll know what to do when you get there, trust me. Let us not forget about what a nice teacher experience is. Always be open to ideas and suggestions from anywhere, including your own employees or your competition. Be definite to give credit where credit is due, you'll be admired and revered. keep doing the right thing every day, give it your all, and hey, have fun and a nice time! Relax, you are going to do fine.
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