If you own a stock, you can follow it on the stock exchange and watch it go up and down in value all day. You have no control over the worth or the fluctuation. All you have is the hope and faith that the stock will go up. Your choice lies in keeping it or selling the stock.
In the event you own a company, you are putting all of your money, energy, hope and faith in to it; faith that the company will go up in value. There may be some outside factors over which you have no control, which affect your business. However, you do have control over your words, what you say about your company. Every time you express your doubts out loud that your company may fail, you are consciously devaluing your company. You are consciously generating and spreading less value.
If a bunch of people go on the Web and start speaking about how a stock is going to go down, fail, it is likely to go down. Everyone believes it, the stock gets devalued. If the opposite happens, people speak about value and the likelihood of a stock going up, everyone desires it, the stock goes up. It is all still a bet but positive emotions generate value. In the event you work for somebody else and are a nice worker, you consciously generate value for the company. You set out with intent to make money for the company. Irrespective of the way you feel about the company, what you say matters. In the event you know the way to generate value for another person's company, you know the way to do that for your own company.
Yes, there's plenty of variables. Yes, there's plenty of unknowns. Yes, there's things that are out of your control. Your only choice is the way you reply to those things. And of the most frequent ways in which they reply is words. You always can pick about your words. Consciously pick words that value your company and what you do, irrespective of your fears. Over time, those words will alleviate the fears and you will have created a company with great value.
Ask yourself regularly: Is what I am saying appreciating or depreciating what I am doing? If you are depreciating ask yourself: How am I able to look at this another way to appreciate what I am doing?
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