Money is not money. Money is complicated. Money is simple. Generating money is simple .
Money is created through money-making transactions & is not a commodity in limited supply. This means there is no potential limit to it. It is created when value is added by a transaction where somebody is willing to pay more for a product or service than it is intrinsically worth. This means that it is created through the perceived value of the buyer. As an example - If I spend my time carving a chair out of a piece of wood that cost me $10 & I sell it to somebody as a chair for $50, haven't I created money out of narrow air? I have created $40 because the buyer's perceived value of the item is over it cost me to produce. One time you understand that money is perceived value, you can see that there can be no limit to the amount you can generate.
All you need to do to generate money it is to generate the perceived value.
''The greatest limit to money is the belief that money is limited.'' Kalinda Rose Stevenson
You can generate perceived value any time you wish. Look around you & start thinking about where you can add value & you will automatically be thinking about generating money simultaneously. It is all in your mindset & one time you understand how to cultivate a wealth mindset, & apply the correct actions to add value to that mindset, money will flow in to your life as if the floodgates have been opened.
With the media telling us how bad the recession is, it reinforces the belief that money is in short supply or disappearing altogether. Our belief method gets molded by outside messages to think that money is disappearing all around us & they must hold on to the small they have before it also gets swallowed by the large money-eating monster. This is all rubbish.
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