Acknowledging possession over your ideas is a powerful idea that inevitably leads to action.
Action, I hope you agree, is the key to any endevour, personal or business. It takes action to accomplish anything. Even the greatest idea in the world is nothing if not paired with action.
Hopefully, it is reasonable and worthy action that is our objective. I throw in "reasonable" and "worthy" to help pinpoint the necessity for purposefully focusing actions, not moving out of pure desire to act.
Even in the event you have a solid actionable objective you still need to find the motivation to act. There's countless examples of individuals who have incredible ideas that never come to fruition because they could not find, or were reluctant to generate the motivation to act. And that is a large issue to face.
I argue that self-empowerment, based in point of fact, reason, logic and facts is that motivation. I also argue that possession over our ideas is the best way to that type of self-empowerment.
What type of images does the word "ownership" bring to mind? For me, I see a home, not a house, but specifically a home. I went to Google and ran an "ownership" picture search. Apparently, I am not the who envisions a home. Along with pics of pie charts, families and hands, the picture of a house or home stands out the most. Since this picture seems so prevalant, I'll use it to report my argument.
Picture your ideal home. Not a house, mind you, a home. And not a home, but your home. This home belongs to you. It is yours to cherish and enjoy. It is also yours to renovate, expand, renew and alter as you see fit. The possibilities are countless, of work. Because it is your home. You can do anything you need to this home, even damage it.
Because you own this home, it is important to note your obligations tied to it. It is yours to maintain, it is yours to repair. Ought to a storm rip off the roof, you will be the to see it gets mended. Ought to you lock your keys inside, you will be the figuring a way to get back in. Taxes, electric bills, plumbing issues... You get the point. Possession implies responsibility.
And obligations have consequences. In fact, anytime you have obligations, you have consequences. Even in the event you chose to ignore your obligations as an owner, you will still feel the reality of consequences. In the event you don't fix the roof, you get wet. In the event you don't pay the electrical bill, you loose power.
Obligations, even when not direct choices themselves, are tied to the choices you make as an owner. They are a direct result of possession.
Consequences are the motivators for action. People act due to consequences. Take any Human Development 101 class and you will learn about the hierarchy of needs. This hierarchy is established on the basis of consequence. The harsher the consequence, the higher level of need it becomes.
I hope I am drawing a clear line and I hope I can phrase this clearly: Possession, through responsibility, leads to consequence. Consequence directly motivates action.
So far so lovely?
Because of this line of thinking, I argue that taking possession of your ideas, like taking possession of your home, will compel you to action. In the event you are personally invested in your ideas, you the take the sole responsibility of owning them. They are yours to maintain, expand, renew, alter, cherish and enjoy. like your home.
Conversely, in the event you feel that ideas are, "out there" or are somehow hidden from you, then you are losing possession of those ideas. You are more like a renter. (To keep the mawkishly sentimental analogy.) You need outside permission or acknowledgement to change, create or alter. The saddest part of that type of situation is how basically it kills motivation. There is no need for this.
Your ideas are yours and they are free. Do not be afraid to make them your own. Do not be terrified to alter them, expand them, grow them and find ways to make use of them, for the benefit of yourself as well as others.
The art of creation is exactly that. It is an art. Fortunately, all of us have an countless supply source from which to build. Make sure not to waste that type of opportunity.
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