Friday, April 22, 2011

Lack of Boundaries Can Hurt Your Business

There's lots of areas that a therapist or business owner needs to protect with healthy boundaries so that they do not finish up in trouble. For example, personal disclosure is an acceptable therapeutic tactic but, in the wrong hands, much or the wrong information can form a foundation for a therapist when the client decides to make use of this for the wrong reason or to hurt the therapist.

You might be surprised to learn that of the most frequent reasons that psychologists lose their licences to practice is that they have sexual relationships with the clients. You see, lots of clients enter therapy with hurt &, in sharing the intimate details of their lives with the therapist, are vulnerable. If the psychologist does not have nice boundaries & professionalism, the can become so emotionally close that they move in to the physical arena without thinking about the consequences of doing this.

Now think about building a life that is surrounded by immense cement blocks similar to the ones that are used to build schools or gymnasiums. These keep everyone out & prevent you from having relationships with others as you are blocked from any feasible interaction. This is a lonely way to live.

Boundaries are like fences. Think about a immense footy field. After the game everyone runs onto the field & there is chaos. In the event you live your life like a footy field there's occasions that others will take advantage of you & not know where you finish & they start. Over time you can become resentful of the way that they move in to your life & help themselves to whatever they require without thinking about your needs.

Finally, imagine that you are sitting on your porch taking a look at your front yard. Around the property is a pleasant white picket fence that surrounds the property & keeps both animals & little kids out. You can see between the pickets & over the top of the fence so you have a nice view of what is going on in the world. There is a gate at the finish of the walkway. Notice that the latch for the gate is on the inside of the fence. That means that you have the ability to open & close the gate so that others can enter & leave when you select for this to happen.

Healthy boundaries are like the white picket fence. They let you be involved in the world but also have your privacy. When you set up personal & business boundaries, you will find that there's fewer issues & it is possible for you to to enjoy others while, simultaneously, being able to enjoy your privacy.

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