There's positive rules in dysfunction families that usually include "don't feel" and "don't talk". Everyone is focussed on "fixing" the that is addicted or tiptoe around the abuser in order to keep the peace.
ome people call people addiction "codependency". This is a complex condition that is not understood by lots of people. Sometimes people grow up in a relatives or surroundings where there's specific issues. These might include abuse, addictions or serious disease. In order for a kid to survive this, s/he may learn to ignore their own individual needs for the sake of the offending individual in the relatives or for the sake of the relatives.
The addict or abuser becomes dependent on the substance or their own behaviours to get through the day. The other person becomes codependent on the dependent person. At first, the codependent might look like a hero who is respected and admired for their caring and long-suffering stance. Over time, however, they might be thought about annoying or ridiculous by the that s/he is trying to fix.
These behaviours become "normal" for the kid who then moves on in to other relationships where people tend to have issues. Their objective is to help fix the life of the other person and, in their attempts to do so, ignore their own needs. If the person is doing well, self-image goes up and if the person does not do well, self-image goes down.
They cannot change other people! They can encourage them to change and provide an surroundings where they can explore their options but they cannot change them - no matter how much you think that your way will be better for them.
When you are walking a business, you need to not only be clear about any codependent attitudes or behaviours that you are using but even be aware of similar situations in your staff or clients. You see, in case you are focussed on changing other people and focus all of your time and attention on that, you are doing the wrong thing.
People addiction causes you to ignore the business tasks that will help your business to grow. You can be stuck on issues of a couple of people and find that you do not have anything left for other clients or activities. The nice news is that those who are codependent or have a people addiction can learn how to deal with things in a healthier manner. First you need to be aware of the situation. Then you need to make a dedication to get the professional help you need in order to make the healthy choices.
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